Imagine you won the lottery for 10 million dollars. How would you spend that amount of money?(宝くじで1000万ドルが当たったとします。みなさんはその金額をどのようにつかいますか。)What if you were given an opportunity to live in your favorite city on earth? Which city would you choose and why?(地球上の好きな都市に住む機会を与えられたらどうしますか?みなさんはどの都市を選びますか。そしてその理由は?)”Success is not final, failure is not fatal : it is the courage to continue that counts.” That’s a famous quote by Winston Churchill.(「成功は最終的なものではなく、失敗は致命的なものではない。重要なのは続ける勇気である」。これは、ウィンストン・チャーチルのよく知られた名言です。
When I arrived in San Francisco yesterday, I was picked up by a taxi. I was a bit tired after the long flight, but the driver happened to be very talkative. He started talking about himself and each of his family members, and then about his relatives. By the time I arrived at the hotel, I had been able to draw up his family tree in my head. And I thought: Ah, this is America! I love this kind of openness. Now, ladies and gentlemen, …
One day, I flew from LA to London on a US airline. I was seated on the aisle. As a flight attendant walked by, she bumped pretty hard against my elbow. Can you guess what she said to me? ”Careful, honey!” with a big smile on her face. I didn’t know how to react. If it had been a Japanese airline, she would have apologized. At that moment, I realized friendliness is more important than politeness in the US.
The rest is history.(あとは知ってのとおりです。)perseverance and commitment(根気強い努力と積極的な取り組み)This leads me to my next point.(これが次のポイントにつながります。)Let me go back to what I mentioned earlier about our digitalization strategy.(先ほどのデジタル化戦略についての話に戻りましょう。)As I said at the beginning, the protection of natural ecosystem is at risk.(冒頭に申し上げたとおり、自然の生態系の保護はリスクに晒されています。)We’re running short of time.(もう時間がありません。)takeaways(宿題)
I wish you all the best in your role. Please give me my best regards to Amanda.