「小学校では児童に言語材料を提示する際に、場面や状況を工夫し、音声情報に加え視覚情報を効果的に活用しながら、児童に推測して聞かせるようにします。例えば、教科書の絵を見てListenの問題に答える際にも、小学校の先生は、絵に関して英語で簡単なやりとりをします。“What animal can you see? Can you see a cat?Oh,do you like cats,Tomoko?“ などと教科書の活動に入る前に,児童とやりとりをし,レディネスを十分に高めておきます。推測しながら聞く経験を重ねることで,小学生でも,曖昧性に耐えながらまとまった英語を粘り強く聴こうとする態度が育ちます。」
cats have three blood types and dogs have a lot more – a dozen or so. That’s when I found out that dogs can donate blood as well. It sounds obvious whe nyou think about it, but if your cat or dog has an accident and needs surgery, a blood transfusion may be necessary.
But generally speaking, the infrastructure for pet blood donation isn’t nearly as developed and widespread as the human version. The problem is that there simply aren’t enough pet blood banks to match demand. One big reason is that veterinary clinics and hospitals are performing more treatments.
The ideal donor is between 1 and 5 years of age, and in good physical condition.
A complete blood test is fairly costly, but owners who donate their pet’s blood usually get some free services, such as tick prevention medication for free. In addition to dog biscuits, some donors receive a plaque of appreciation from the vet.
euthanasia is the absolute last resort for pets. They have such a close bond with their pets.many studies have identified clear health benefits from having a pet. 安楽死は最後の選択肢のようです。飼い主はペットと非常に強いきずなで結ばれています。多くの研究によって、「ペットを飼うことは間違いなく健康にいい」ことが明らかになったのを、私たちは心に留めておくべきです。